Time does/may not exist

Recenty (thank God) I wrote a paper about time and its possible inexistance. There may not be such a thing as time. Yes, we do experience it but does it realy exist as such ?
Does the land we stand upon move ? seemingly not, most of the time. but once in a while the tectonic plates suddenly shift abruptly from 1 position to another.
Well thats how it may also work with the concept of time. What happens with earth quackes is that energy builds up along side the ridges of the tectonic plates. Similar energy build ups may happen on an extremely small scale and once in a while these energy differences become so great that they abruptly change the situations. These are all sequential and these little "earth quackes" shifts in sequence we experience as time. If this idea is correct this has some serious consequences for physics as a whole. One of them being that time reversal is permanentely impossible.
waht we see happening is that the more energy is beig pilled up in a region (planet, star, neutron star, black hole) that the closer you get to that object that time passes slower and slower. That may be because there are fewer and shallower energy gradients that make processes to occur and thus time passes slower. the more energy is packed together the tighter the energy distribution is and thus the lesser energy gradients there are. well energy gradients may be the direct cause to the experience of time... due to the miniature earth/energy quackes effect mentioned earlier. and the more tight the energy is distributed the less energy is available fr processes to happen thus time runs slower.
The paper I wrote you can see here:
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