Recently I wrote a paper ( ) where it was strongly argued why life is not able to able to emerge by itself.
Fact is that life is hyper complex as we can see here in the next video:
Now we now that it is far less complex to make the next object/thing:

With this signals can be send and depending on the capacity of the leyden Jar/capacitor and the impedance of the coil… the frequencies can sweep all over the electromagnetic wave frequency range.
Abiogenesis/Evolution assumes that living cells in all their moindblowing complexity yhave rissen by spontaneous random processes without the intervention of a super intelligent entity or Person.
Well IF that would be a fact, than, Since they are overwhelmingly more simple instruments like Heinrich Hertz's experiments would be overwhelmingly present in the universe on all kinds of planets…. The entire universe would be screaming from EM radiation produced by such randomly/spontaneously produced devices.
Alone in our closest by Galaxy the milky way there are about 100. BILLION planets. So lack of materials is NOT the issue here. And since they are planets there are all kinds of materials present including metals, and crystals etc etc. Just as here on earth and the moon and mars and venus.
We all know that ever since the radio telescope was invented (in the 1930's) it is ear deafening silent with respect to signals that do NOT match (Neutron)star or blackhole signals….. all radio or EM radiation like signals we are finding is from procesess that originate from stars, neutron stars and blackholes.
In other words there are NO signals that could indicate such Hertz like devices that by pure randomness have been produced on other planets.
Now our own Galaxy is only 200.000 light years across so the closest by signals cannot be older then 200.000 years (if there are any 200.000 yrs).
Yet from all those 100 BILLION planets in this 200.000 light years range NO SIGNAL of such a device has ever been found. It is allso assumed that the universe is about 14 some billion years old so that would means that there is time enough to cook up for randomness such devices.
NONE has been found NONE; while we would expect millions of these kind of devices based on their simplicity compared to living organisms. yet NONE has been detected since the 1930's that is about 90 years now…...
How come ?
Well pretty simple:
Randomness is NOT the process by which high complex constructions arrise in nature.... not here on earth and NOT any where else in the universe.
Any attempt to test that assumpion is doomed to fail., wasting billions of dollars, Yen's Euro's, roebels, and what ever kind of currencies.
In the meanwhile; life here on planet earth, of which we DO know it is Factual, is being left alone to wither; people dying from starvation wars, poverty, misery, suppresion ect ect.
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