Math Universe

Looking around in the world and universe we live in, we observe that happenings are very very strongly described with mathematical formula's.
of course this is not the first time that this subject is being talked about. But it is stricking that all material things are governed by mathematical equations. Even chaos is mathematically describable.
In that obserbvation I am convinced that we should treat the material part of our lives should as purely mathematical.
The basis to this all is quantum mechanical wavefunctions.
The origin of this mathematical setup of our universe is a hyper super super intelligence that was able to structure all that we can see with mathematical precision for us to discover.
As we discover more and more things from how our universe is organized, then we more and more discover that this must be constructed and previously and minutely meticulously planned in advance by Somebody.
We know HIM as GOD ALMIGHTY, as described in the Judeo-Christian bible.
The whole being of the universe can not have come to be by a rule-less purely unguided chaotic explosion as the big bang hypothesis tries to get around Gods existance with all kinds of false reasonings.
Fact is there exists nothing that is rule-lessness, absolute chaos does not exist.
The bible mentions also very clearly that God is a God of order and thus clear structure is according to Gods nature of letting things happen orderly.
This may seem countered by the fact that there is a lot of chaos going on as well, but lets behonest; the biggest origin of chaos is us, humans. We as humans make a mess of things. well and even this is logic since we have a free will and lack a great portion of understanding of Gods creation due to which we kind of mess around a lot.
For the rest nature, Gods creation, is perfectly predictable even the non human biological beings and their populations are close to predictable. Even in psychology organisms, including humans, are very predictable once you know the rules by which all is governed.
What we also see returning is the rules in the bible. God has set us some rules to live by. Why ? well because God knows us; He created us He invented us and thus He knows the best way of how we function. So following Gods rules is the best way of being human.
Suppose you invent a complex thing; then you are the best who knows how it functions. And based on your knowledge you can even write a manual.
Well God did the very same thing: He have some people lett down a manual; we know that manual as the bible. But the bible is much more then a manual of course. It is at the very same time a love letter to us in which God expresses His love for us and the way that He sacrificed Himself, His Son Jesus Christ for our failures our sins.
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