Math 4: Wave functions and their implications.

Now sometimes pictures speak more then words there fore I present to you these pictures and then an explaination.

As you can see what I have done here is showing graphs of summated cosins the first picture is simply Y1 = Cos (x)
the second is Y = Cos (X) + Cos (2X) = Y1 +Y2 and that is the patern Y1+Y2+Y3 etc....
Now the more Cos (n*X) are added the peak becomes sharper and sharper.
Basically what we see here is wave functions.
That last 2 has 77 and 141 cosins added up.
the last picture is 150 - (Sum Y1...Y141) and in red is shown the moving average (of 7 points) over the graph.
To a trained eye that curve should mean something to you with a strong remembrance towards a gravitational field. And that was exactly my intention.
And guess what: the more we would add cosins the sharper the peak gets... untll it ends in a SINGULARITY ! Just a the general relativity predicts that would happen if a large amount of mass gathers in a very small region.
What also is observed it that outside the peak, the fluctuations get smaller and smaller, and going more and more away from the peak or dip the level of to a certain level close to a limit value.
the very same happens with a gravitational field.
now the more stretched the peak area gets the less to be streched is lefft in the more horizontal area ... the same seem to happen in a gravitation field where the time and space are more bent close to a big mass compared to a region further away.
So gathering more and more mass is lending space time nearby and therefor leave lesser and lesser space-time to be around therefor getting bent more and more. wit as a result time runs slower close by a heavy mass, and space is stretched close by a heavy mass, since the mass itself is stronly bent space time in itself.
Just like an elastic rubber band. the more you stretch it in the middle the lesser and lesser it is able to be stretched on the edges of the band.
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