Entanglement untangled; forces explained ?
Now many people have a hard time with quantum mechanics and all that it encompasses. But things become easier is one regard wave functions, which dominate QM are regarded as mathematical ongoing entities and work with them as such.
one key phenomenon has played to our fantasies and imaginations but is based on serious observations and that phenomenon is entanglement.
How for crying out loud can particles inflence eachother instantaniously even if they are so so far appart from eachother.
Well that is very simple IF you regard these 2 particles as one and the very same wave function no matter how far appart hey are. basically they are one and the same;
to explain this to you I drew some (rough) graphs and I will portray them here to make it clear.

Picture 1:
Now there is at moment t0 = 0 a certain particle that is described as wave function WF 1:
This particle is about to blow apart in 2 equal parts WF 1a and WF 1b.
Picture 2:
But as we can see in the drawing these both parts are still connected why ?
Well simple since they are mathematically one and the same as partcle WF 1 so WF1 = WF1a + WF1b.
within WF1 was build in that it would be possible to break appart in 2 parts.
Of course particle WF1a can be regarded as a separate particle from particle WF1b but they are not. They are still one and the same wave function. And that is how they behave als well.
Classically we regard these 2 particles as separated and indiviual particles, but Quantum mechanically they are stil one whole thing.

Picture 3
Now as these particles move further away from eachother they still remain connected via their wave function WF1a + WF 1b = WF 1.
now each individual particle WF 1a and WF 1b will never ever move faster then the speed of light, but allong with the individiual particles moves the wave function. since it is a mathematical thing.

Picture 4:
So when another particle with a different wave function WF 2 (which has, as a visual example, a more blocky nature as a physical feature) is brought close too and in contact with lets say WF 1b like depicted in the next drawings:

This contact or entanglement of WF 1b with WF2 will chage the whole wavefunction WF1a + WF 1b instatntaniously at the spot in to a combined Wafe function whcih includes the (blocky) feature of WF2; why ?
well what happens is merely a fusion/merging of 2 mathematicall Wave functions into a new wave function.
and since it is a mathematical description is happens instantanioulsly without delay.

Now therefor the whole is described as:
WF1a+WF1b + WF 2 = WF3
Which is an other and thus an ALTERED wave function and just as any mathamatical function that can be changed instantaioulsy all over the universe, that does not require time.
Changing Y = X to Y= X^2+B does not require time... a math function is there right away all over the place instantaniously and each change lets say to
Y= X^2+1/X + B instantanioulsy everywhere.
And WF3 is the 3 particles as being as a whole and it appears more blocky then the first 2 wave functions WF1a and WF1b so WF 2 shared its blocky feature with WF1b AND WF1a
In this way it SEEMS as though the feature of WF2 has been transported to the other particle WF1a at the other end of where ever WF1a is at a certain time.... but no.
It just has been connected with the whole of the wavefunction WF1a + WF1b. Therefore the information does NOT travel faster then light since changing a mathematical formula does not require time to transport itself. it is there instantaniously.
Now several scientist confirm the idea´s presented here above:
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