Relativity 1; The conservation of Space, Time, Energy and Matter.

In 2016, thank God, I was able to published a paper on researchgate where I claim that Space, Time. Energy and Mass (S.T.E.M.) are in a conservation law type of bond linked together. They are bond together in an unbreakable bond which can be pretty easily destilled from the known relativity formula's.
This paper of mine can be found here:
and this below is an inperfect copy of that.
The conservation of space, time, matter and energy.
A new conservation law.
E.G.J.J. Korteweg (originaly a chemist)
This is a private research and not affiliated to any kind of institution.
Looking at moving objects, this paper tries to make it clear that space, time, mass and energy are conserved and act as if it is all the same. That space and time are also a form of energy. On speeding up or under gravitational situations, space and time “lose” some contribution. The overall factor is the gamma factor; while mass and energy gain, this happens at the cost of space and time, so it seems. This implies the idea that space time, matter and energy are in a linked bond with each other, in such a way that they are mutually conserved. The same is also observed in gravity also governed by the very same gamma factor. Also the Casimir effect directly shows this space, time, energy, mass conservation principle. This calls for some kind of conservation law.
Looking at the phenomenon of relativity we see several things happening if an object is subjected to a) high speeds or b) gravitation. In both situations we observe changes that have been described by Einstein’s theories of relativity.
This paper first discusses the special relativity and the effects it has.
It is known that Einstein was good in thought experiments and in that line this paper tries to put across the thought and point of writing this paper.
Looking as a distant non-moving observer, at an object that is moving with speed v it is observed:
- Its kinetic energy is increased and according to E=mc2 also its mass which follows the next mathematical path by a factor of gamma; m = m0/SQRT ( (1 - (v2/c2)).
- The relative time spend of the moving object (or persons) is slowing down, time dilatation. As if the time-spend is absorbed by the action of movement. Also here the gamma factor appears. The time spend elongates with t = t0 /( SQRT (1 - (v2/c2)).
- On top of this, the object seems to contract and thus also in its spatial dimension, in the same direction as its movement direction, it loses space so to say. Again by the very same gamma factor. This is known as the Lorentz contraction. L = L0 / gamma = L0 * (SQRT(1 - (v2/c2)).
In short: speeding up an object gains energy and mass, but loses on time passing, it slows down as if there is no energy left to keep time moving at the same rate and in one dimension, as if there is no energy left to sustain the dimensions in the direction of movement. This strongly implies that space, time, energy and mass are, in the grand total, being conserved. Which again implies that basically space , time, matter and energy are all different forms of the very same: a form of energy.
In gravity similar things can be observed:
Gravity distorts both space and time, due to the presence of a lot of matter. On earth the distortion is hardly noticed which points to the fact that it requires a lot of matter to see the effects.
The presence of matter and thus energy, forces time and space to get distorted and thus again implying a conservation law. Where ever there is matter or energy, time slows down and space gets distorted/squeezed. This relationship cannot be broken. And thus is conserved.
Looking more closer to the gravitational time dilatation it can be seen, that it is governed by the very same gamma factor, hidden in the units.
For the situation of earth:
T= t0 /(SQRT(1 - (2*g*R /c2))
Where g = the gravitational acceleration in m/s2 and R the radius of earth in meters m.
Unit-wise g*R gets back to v2 and due to that it is back to the gamma factor. g = 1 /(SQRT(1 - (v2/c2)).
Exactly the same goes for the space dimension.
The Quantum level.
Looking on quantum level it can be seen, that it makes sense. Empty space is not empty but it fluctuates, the quantum foam. Next to this these quantum fluctuations create virtual particles by which means we experience the Casimir effect/force. And again there it is observed that matter/particle formation is restricted by the existence-time/life time of these virtual particles. The more mass-energy is borrowed from empty space, the shorter it lives. But of course this all must be done under the hood of conservation. Therefore space, time, energy and matter must be interrelated in a conservation law. And as such, it shows us that basically, space, time, energy and matter are all the same but in a different form. Just as energy is another form of mass and vice versa. The effect is how ever far more subtle and that is why it is not directly obvious to notice it. Yet it appears to be there, non the less.
Conclusion and discussion:
As it turns out to be, space, time, energy and mass are in such a way intertwined, that it can be regarded as a conservation law. Which therefore imply that space and time are no more than a different form of energy or mass. They are interchangeable. The Casimir effect is the quantum level indication that this is so.
This also means that space and time cannot be created or destroyed by human interactions, just as energy and mass cannot be created or destroyed by human interaction. Both energy and mass can be transformed and be used. And we see by the laws of thermodynamics that energy/mass can be winding down to lesser usable energy/mass forms. The very same goes for space and time. It can be consumed and used, never to return in its old condition, without affecting its surroundings in creating more spreaded out effects, just as thermodynamics dictate.
This may be the very cause that time travel may not be possible, maybe except on quantum level but that is another topic not discussed here.
Another question arises: is this time/space energy not the dark energy-dark matter that science is looking for. Since space indicates to be the mass-equivalent and time the energy equivalent, but this for now, is speculative.
The only Person I like to thank for this knowledge is God-Jesus Christ-Holy Spirit Almighty. He is the provider of all knowledge and He gave me this knowledge to pass it on to humanity. This may be not a usual way of doing in the (secular) science community but non the less I remain with this statement. Since July 2004 I am a creationistic, Zionistic, messianic type of Christian and in my opinion God should get the honour of scientific findings on every level. Finally I like to thank my wife, for her support in these findings.
- Solomon, B. T. , New Evidence, Conditions, Instruments & Experiments for Gravitational Theories , Journal of Modern Physics, 2013, 4, 183-196,
- Misner, Thorne, Wheeler, Gravitation. 1973.
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