Theory Of All Matter


The Theory Of All Matter.


Well let me directly give you the answer what the theory of all matter is and it is very very simple and basically we have known this for many many years already: 


Y1= A*Sin(B*X+C) + D


Y2 = E*Cos (F*X+G) + H


All material things consist of waves as quantum mechanics shows us clearly. 


Why not call it the Theory Of Everything - T.O.E.


Simple: because that would not be true; there is more then matter alone. There is also the spiritual realm, and to be honest; we know almost nothing about that part of reality, we only know it exists as Near Death Experiences show us clearly. For the rest we only know the materialistic /mathematically governed world we live in and therefor this is the theory of all matter. Which simply consists of waves. Even particles are waves and wave packages. 


I agree we do not know everthing yet, but that is OK, for now.






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