Relativity 2: the S.T.E.A.M.-conservation law as origin of gravity ?

In my previous paper, I described that Space, Time, Energy and Mass are conserved and are bonded together in a strong relationship which is governed by the gammafactor 1/(SQRT(1- v^2/c^2)). The thing is if this is true, then the quetsion rises; may that even be the cause of gravity itself ? There for I wrote the next paper which can also be seen in researchgate:
here down below is an inperfect copy of that:
Does a conservation law of Space, Time, Energy
and Matter (S.T.E.A.M.) cause gravitation ?
E.G.J.J. Korteweg (originaly a chemist)
This is a private research and not affiliated to any kind of institution.
As discussed in the conservation law of Space, Time. Energy and Matter, it was found that there seems to be a very strict conservation law in action , governed by the gamma factor. Increasing speed, and thus energy and mass, seems to go at the cost of 1 space dimension, in the direction of movement and of the proceeding of time (observed by a non-moving observer). This has led to the conclusion that there may be a conservation law in action. Exactly the same appears to happening with mass and thus energy that distorts space and time due to which space-time is deformed. Also there the gamma factor appears units wise speaking. The deformation of space-time appears in such a way that gravitation appears. Following this reasoning this leads to the question whether this conservation law might be the very source of gravitation itself. Basically it is can this conservation law viewed from an other angle possibly be the very origin/cause of gravity itself.
Gravitation is a force that is not the strongest but it is the one that we all deal with on a daily basis, since it keeps us standing upright on the earth, it costs us effort and thus energy in lifting objects and bothers us when we are falling. For these reasons it is therefore much confronting us with its nature but also with its true origin. Where does gravitation finds its true origin ?. Is a question that has surfaced many 100’s of years. We still don’t know for sure, what the very origin is. In this paper it is shown that gravitation may finds its origin in the fact that it is in a tight and inescapable relationship with space, time, energy and mass or S.T.E.M. in short.
The conservation law of Space, Time, Energy and Mass.
It was noted in a previous paper (2) that relativistic phenomenon led to a conclusion that space, time, energy and mass are in a very tight inescapable bond with each other, which kind of forces us to think in terms of a conservation law of these 4 entities. In short; if an object is given kinetic energy then its mass will increase according to:
m = m0/( SQRT(1 - (v2/c2)) [1]
at the very same time, its dimension in the speed direction shrinks according to:
L = L0 / γ = L0 * (SQRT(1 - (v2/c2)) [2]
And its time slows down according to
t = t0 /( SQRT(1 - (v2/c2)) [3]
This has led to the conclusion that these 4 are conserved, in my previous paper dealing with this subject.
But now the opposing reasoning can also be posed:
If there is a lot of mass/material, there is also gravitation, without questions asked. But since it was seen that Space, Time, energy and Mass are in such a close relationship then the mere presence of mass forces the other parts Space, Time and Energy to jump in line to meet the conservation law and therefore space and time distorts in the neighbourhood of mass.
Basically this implies that due to the fact that Space, Time, Energy and Mass seem to be in a conservation law type of relationship, this relationship forces time and space to distort causing gravitation and due to the falling of an object (moving ins a distorted space time as Einstein has made it clear to us) it loses energy, see there the close relationship between space, time energy and mass. They are unbreakably linked to each other.
If we look at the laws that govern gravity it can be distilled that the very same gamma factor appears:
For example if we look at time dilatation due to gravity
T= t0 /(SQRT(1 - (2*g*R /c2)) [4]
Units wise spoken the very same gamma factor appears.
The only conclusion that can be drawn then is that no matter what entity of these 4 (Space, Time Energy or Mass – S.T.E.M. in short) is present (high speed, lots of mass/energy), the other entities must line up to match so that the whole is conserved. In this, the governing factor is the gamma factor, in whatever form.
So knowing this, it can also be stated, by reasoning the other way around, that gravity must appear simply due this conservation principle, space time has to line up with the other 2 entities present in order to keep the observed conservation law in balance. Therefor gravitation may finds it origin in nothing more than this conservation principle of Space, Time, Energy and Matter.
Virtual particles
Also the presence of virtual particles and via them the Casimir effect proofs to us this unbreakable relationship of these 4 (STEM) entities or “elements”.
”Empty” Space contains Energy in a vibrant way, there for particles (matter) pop in and out of existence for a brief moment (Time). Also in this process these 4 entities are in constant exchanging vividly boiling STEM-“soup”. Again ruled by the always present gamma factor.
Conclusion and discussion:
It was found that Space, Time, Energy and Mass are unbreakably linked together. Even in “empty” space, space is so vibrant of energy that virtual particles (mass) pop in and out of existence. So since there is a tight bond between these 4, that may also be the very source, as a by-product, of distorted space-time. Concluding that this conservation law idea may be the very source of gravity itself. If this idea is correct then the very existence of this conservation law may be the very source of gravity.
Still there are unanswered questions. Due to what underlaying principle does the presence of matter/energy distort space and time, what is that very cause of this seemingly “entangled” relationship….
… Or is it entanglement itself, that keeps these 4 entities strongly bonded together ? In that way quantum mechanical principles may be the very origin of gravitation due that leads to a conservation law. But this is just an uncrystallised idea for now.
The only Person I like to thank for this knowledge is God-Jesus Christ-Holy Spirit Almighty. He is the provider of all knowledge and He gave me this knowledge to pass it on to humanity. This may be not a usual way of doing in the (secular) science community, but non the less I remain with this statement. Since July 2004 I am a creationistic, Zionistic, messianic type of Christian and in my opinion God should get the honour of scientific findings on every level. Finally I like to thank my father and his girlfriend, for their support towards me amongst many other things also with respect in these findings.
- Solomon, B. T. , New Evidence, Conditions, Instruments & Experiments for Gravitational Theories , Journal of Modern Physics, 2013, 4, 183-196,
- Korteweg, E.G.J.J. The conservation of space time matter and energy; a new conservation law,, September 2016.
- Calder, N, Einstein en het Heelal, 1979
- Misner, Thorne, Wheeler, Gravitation. 1973.
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