Entanglement vs Collaps

particle entangles with 

Here I try to put across that entanglement and the process known as wavefunction collapse are exactly the very same thing/proces. 


when a wave particle hits a detector screen it is accepted that the wave function "collapses" into a point on the screen

well basically what realy happens is exactly the very same as what happens when a 3rd particle touches one of the entangled pair particles and transfers its properties.


wave function alteration; I think that the term collapsing is not covering the reality of what happens. There is nothing that collapses the wave function changes it alters from one wave function WF1 to an new wave function WF2. 


and since the wave function of the detector screen is way much smaller than the wave function of the particle the wave function of the free particle shrinks... it does not collapse it shrinks to a wave function with a wave length that is in the same order of magnitude as the wave length of the detector. and that is a very small wanve length so the particles wave length shrinks and that is what we perceive as a point on the screen.


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