Math 5: the Korteweg-Galton boards.

Korteweg Galton-Boards.

Lots of people are familiar with the Galton boards as shown here above. It demonstrates statistical distributions real life but there are again some catches to it at least 2 of them:


Catch 1:

What we see here is a lineair distortion grid; a pyrimidial distribution of pins on which the balls fall. But what if the pin distribution in the distorion grid is NOT lineair or lineair in a much different way. 


Catch 2: not all results are alike there is still a random unequal distribution which can be observed when you perform an individual test with the board. 

Now the Galton board represents the Newton pyramide or the Newton binomium. 


Which has to do with polynomials and formula's like  (a+b)^n


But this is an idealized situation. In real life the distribution is hardly ever so ideal that this patern will always emerge exactly as expected. There is always some statistical noise disturbing the patern. Question is; what can we learn from that in the mathematical sence of the word. 



Both effects are being studied here in what I call Korteweg-Galton boards.


I call them Korteweg-Galton boards because obviously Galton thought of these boards at first so I cannot escape that name relation.


But the Korteweg part of a Korteweg Galton board is refering to myself so it seems; now why ? Well there is a less obvious reason to do so. For that you need to know what Galton was kind of figure in contrast to what I am kind of figure. 


Fransis Galton was family of Charles Darwin, and being so, he was, just as Darwin himself not so fond of God-Jesus-Holy Spirit and the bible. Now his invention is not given the honor to God (of the bible) who gives us people the knowledge. 


How ever I am a different kind of guy. I do believe in God-Jesus-Holy Spirit and the bible and I do recognize God as the source of knowledge, and I do want to give God the glory for the knowledge and wisdom that HE gave me for these idea's.


So puttting my name infront of it: I want to deliberatly give God (of the bible) the honor for giving me this knowledge and wisdom. I think that ALL that humanity has invented and gained in knowledge orignally comes from God (of the bible) and that He should get the credit for it.


In all occasions in science papers there is a list of people who are acknowledged in being supportive in the invention or finding. But secular science is not willing to recognize that God is the ultimate source of knowledge and creator of situations that leads to big inventions. And in this way I want to change that and Give God Almighty the real honor and acknowledegment that He deserves. 




Now In the 1st issue I made several different addaptations to the board as you can see below: