Proteine formation

Proteines/enzymes are extremely highly complex functioning atomic machines. that opperate at atomic level to get things arranged that take place in your body right as we speak.


Literally 1000's of different proteines function right now as you read this text. just oin orde to let you be able to read and understand it.

It goes beyond people wildest imaginations who this functiosna and more important how this all come together. we know factually that its here... since we are made out of these increadble tiny machines... it brings a man to humble... WOW.....if one sees the complexity of these molecules and how hey operate.


a great video about this can be seen here:


now that happens while you are reading these lines on tghe screen.....amazing and amazingly complex right.


they strongly  resemble machines that we make ourselves but than on macroscolpic scales right like several meters tall


Now we know for a fact that the machines that we make are all without exception designed....


still secular science tries to make you believe that these miniature machines in your body (1000's of different ones of them and in trillions amounts came to be simply by random chance


well let me pre calculate to you people that this is simply impossible given a few simple scentific correct facts;


Some Facts

1) All these molecular machines are made of only 20-22 (average 21) different components that we know as amino-acids.

2) Now these amino acids are ONLY in 1 type of arrangement being used in organisms. they are like your right and left hand and thus not 100% the exact same. in chemistry we know that as chirality... fact is our bodies Only us the L form of the amino acids and not the D form. Just as we an digest the L lactose and not the D form of lactose. 

3) Experiments of Urey and Miller have shown that maximum 23 different amino acids can be formed by random processes, but only as a racemic mixture of D and L forms.... so this sets the chance to pick a correct amino acid in the protein formation to 1  chance in 23 *2 = 1 in 46 chance to pick the correct amino acid

4) each individual amino acids has 2 reactive sides to which the next amino acid can attach itself which reduces the chance of a correct proteine formation even further to 1 in 46*2 = 1 in a 92 chance.

5) the chemical reaction time for 2 amino acids to react lays in the order of magnitude of 10^-8 to 10^-10 seconds lets say on average 10^-9 seconds

6) the smallest human proteine consists of only 44 amino acids

7) in order to do a correct function all aminoacids must be on their correct position in an protein other wise it is a disfnctional proteine tha fnctions less effective, or not at all or even in a toxic way. there is hardly any room for errors in this. 


Now lets see how long it would take for random processes to form a correct functioning proteine of only 10 amino acids..


there are then 

21^10 * 92 options of amino acid combinations. 

this requires a time of trying them all out of 21^10 * 92 * 10^-9 seconds... which is 1534549,05 seconds recalcultated that is 17,76 days.


Now random chances do not distinguis between one molecule and the other.... to randomness all molecules are the same and randomness has no clue if it has produces a same confoiguration of amino acids 2 or more times or that this is the very firts time it has made some sequnece... so these 17,76 days are only the estimated time based on an assumption that ALL amino acids sequences are passing by onl once.... 

but as we all know this is absurd to assume to be correct.... the chances are very big that an aminoacid sequence will pass by more that ones since there are so overwhelming options 21^10 * 92 which s huge.... but OK lets assume it only takes 17,76 days.


Since hardly any proteine is only 10 amino acids long we move on...20 amino acids.


There are in that case: 21^20 * 92 options possible now with a reaction time of 10^-9 seconds this leads to a time required of 2,5596 *10^19 seconds or 8,116 * 10^11 YEARS for ALL options to be formed only 1 time assuming they only form 1 time and then never again (which is absurd of course since randomness doesnt know what it is doing or if it done some thing before or not). So this 8,1 *10^11 years is only a lowest estimate.


Now I think its a good time to remind you that the secular estimated age of the universe is some 14 billon yeras or to put it in scinetific numbers: 14*10^9 years.

the earth, according at least to secular science folks, is about 4,5 billion yrs and life, according to them emerged about 4 billion yrs ago....

well if that is true.... the formation of ONLY 20 amino acids by pure random processes demolishes these times only by a factor of+/-  200...

in the lowest possible time required.....

It requires 200 times more time to ONLY find 1 small correct functioning proteine of only 20 amino acids IF indeed random processes did it.


But we havent even begun as you know since our bodies contain 1000's of proteines that are on average 1000's of amino acids....and not only 10 or 20

 so lets move on.


our 44 amino acids proteine; well that requires a MINIMUM of  21^44 * 92 * 10^-9 seconds = 1,385*10^51 seconds or 4,4 *10^43 years. 


a 100 amino acid proteine requires a MINIMUM of 21^100 * 92 * 10^-9 seconds = 1,53 * 10^125 seconds or 4,86 * 10^117 years.


Now OK lets do random chance people a favor and lets assume (outside of correct science by the way) that a reaction speed is higher and that it only requires 10^-20 seconds... which is absurd but OK lets assume....


Even then a 100 amino acid proteine molecule requires a minimum time of 4,86 * 10^106 years. 


lets do some more absurd assumptions:

pretend that the entire universe participates in this proces and all atoms are used in the required amino acids. well there are estimated 10^80 atomes and since aminoacid onaverage has 19 atoms we have 5,26 * 10^78 amino acids available.... even than it would require.


4,86*10^106 years / 5,26 *10^78 atoms = 9,27 * 10^27 years for the formation of just 1 functioning proteine of only 100 amino acids.


In short: even under he most ridiculous optimal circomstances random proteine formation by natural proceses is IMPOSSIBLE.....


there had to be an other way....that also makes use of intelligence. You see these machines work in a highly sophisticated way to make our bodies work.... this MUST have been cooked up before it was essembled. and that is JUST one small aspect of our existence... It was not even discussed how the entire universe came here and all that encompasses.


This all leads to the only conclusion possible: It HAD TO BE INVENTED AND MADE by a super super overwhelming super intelligent being. there is no other option...



We KNOW Him as GOD our CREATOR.....














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