Hawking radiation is impossible

Recently a picture of a black hole was released. Wow what a result, What an achievement. The leading person in this was Heiko Falcke a Bible believing Christian and astrophycisist.
Now thinking about a black hole also is strongly related to Hawking radiation. In thinking this subject over it came to my mind that actually when one thinks it over than Hawking radiation is physically totaly impossible.
Picture this:
A black hole far away from any other matter.
Now no matter what happens in open space time there are Always some quantum fluctuations that bringforth a certein amount of Casimir effect causing particles. There is a whole big variety of different particles that appear and annihilate.
That happens also at the edge of our uimaginairy black hole. Now in such a pair matter anti matter particles one of them disappears into a black hole never to return.
According to Steven Hawking this is the very source of his radiation. But He seems to forget a few things in this process.
a) there is an equall amount of particles as there is antiparticles.
b) there is an equal amount of particles entering the event horizon compared to anti partciles entering the black hole
c) the particles-anti particles where generated outside in open space at the cost of some energy of that same open space.
d) that means that open space is losing energy and not the black hole.
e) in open space the remaining particles -anti particles annihilate back a again to a zero result since both 50% of particles are being formed compared to 50% of antiparticles… and the remaining particles-anti particles oin open space annihilate aswell.
The end result is that there is a netto zero result and that the black hole has gained some ernergy from open space from the quantum fluctuations.
So Black holes keep on growing even in open space-time where no real matter is present. This in contrast to what Steven Hawking theorized. There is no Hawking radiation. And a black Hole is Always growing even when nothing appears to be around
If this is true than that has some serious cnsequences:
a) A black hole does not evaporate.
b) The big bang never happend by a leaking black hole mechanism.
c) Due to the growth of black holes the universe is losing energy that otherwise would be used to keep the whole universe together. Now due to the concentrating of that quantum fluctuation energy into local black holes this energy is not available to keep the universe together and thus is acceleratedly expanding.
d) if some of these particles can slip thrue than in deed there may be a small amount of radiation but it is way much lower than Hawking predicted or calculated. since most particles will annihilate even outside the black hole event horizon. and the radiation is not at the cost of the black hole since the energy did not come from the black hole to begin with. so a black hole allways winss in the end never to lose anything , al=t least not by this hawking mechanism
As can be illustrated in the below picture: there is a netto result with respect to the particles formation and annihilation. in the end there is a far smaller end result (if at all due to total annihilation of the particles).

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