ek-sight-ing science. 

Where other perspectives may change your scientific points of view.




My name is Edgar Korteweg (EK) from the Netherlands (or Holland the more popular but only partially correct name)

I am educated as a chemist, but already early in life I had a broad specrum of interests in the science area. Over the years I have done some research in private and I like to share that here with you and the rest of the world.


The fields will be mathematics, quantum mechanics, relativity, geology, statistics, stocktrading, biology and maybe some more subjects. 

I have already done some publications, mostly (since that is for free) on Academia.edu ( https://huji.academia.edu/EdgarKorteweg )

and as from today 19-04-2018 also here on my own website.


The findings may alter your perspective on science a bit but always for the best of interests. I Try to include some video's if possible and/or necessary to make things more easily understandable.



If you have any questions you can always ask me via the contact page. 











Please forgive me if you see some typo errors, I must admit I am a scientist and not a linguist. please mention them if you see some then I try to correct them asap.






(C) niets van deze uitgave, teksten of delen van teksten, mag worden vermenigvuldigd op welke wijze dan ook,

zonder voorafgaande toestemming enof afspraken hierover met de auteur Edgar G.J.J. Korteweg. voor info neem contact op via e.korteweg@yahoo.nl.


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